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What we can learn from the MIC AGM

1) MIC has no Standards

Because apparently, people who are not good enough to be MPs in the eyes of BN Kuala Selangor, is good enough to be the President of the MIC

2)The Cabinet has no Standards

You may not be good enough for the Dewan Rakyat, but you can try applying for Senatorship, Ministership and be part of the machinery known as Fastsinkingship.This is not peculiar to MIC, as it also happens in other ‘pseudo-members’ of BN like Gerakan and PPP. Coincidentally, all these parties have leaders who did not get elected (and in one case, did not even get chosen to stand for election), but managed to be Cabinet members via the mysterious ‘Jabatan Perdana Menteri’ whose functions and roles are basically whatever the Perdana Menteri fancies or can come up with that sounds important, official and ‘gempak’.

3)MIC Members Don’t Know where Putrajaya is

That is the only logical explanation as to why only half of the delegates turned up, even after the prerequisite for being a delegatewas reduced from being a divisional officebearer to merely a branch head (meaning there iss a 80% chance you are a retired headmaster/mistress)

4)MIC members do not give a F*ck about Elections

Why else will 200,000 members not be registered voters? If voting for/supporting the government is not MIC’s first and foremost aim, what is? Sucking up to the leaders? I did not say it, Palanivel did.

5)MIC Doesn’t Give a F*ck about Indians

Because they won’t allow anything on Interlok,possibly the one major thorn in the Indian community’s side at the moment, to be mentioned in the AGM.An Indian Muslim gentleman is out there fighting so that Palanivel,Subramaniam and Nijhar’s children won’t have to read and come home to Papa asking why they are called Paria, but MIC is not allowed to talk about it in their AGM

6)Indians Don’t Give a F*ck about MIC

Coz we got more important things to worry about than retired headmasters coming together to eat Iddiappam once every two years.

  1. July 31, 2011 at 7:50 pm

    If the leaders of MIC have been doing their job well, I am sure the condition of many Indians in Malaysia would be different. BN has been in power for the past 53 years, yet we can still see most Indians crumbling from poverty specially in rural areas. Few days back, Subra gave a press statement justifying that MIC has indeed done much for Malaysian Indians. I wonder what have they done that is worth to be bragged about. Najib is now trying his best to make a good impression among Malaysian Indians by attending whatever functions relating to Indian culture. But why dont they just cut the crap and show the Indian community what they can do to help them. Many SMI has been started in Malay kampungs to help the poor as well as single moms, why not do the same in estates? Why not renovate Tamil schools and ensure Indians get good education? Its not enough to just mention that you are helping them, you need to show them! No wonder Malaysian Indians arent bothered about MIC anymore.

    • EJ
      November 10, 2011 at 2:03 pm

      When you have every other party clamouring to represent the Indians, there really leaves little room to claim to be the race’s sole champion..

  2. November 10, 2011 at 1:53 pm

    Bang! Bang ! right in eyes. If I were the MIC, I’d dig a hole and have
    my AGM in there. Useless P-word..heee hee

    • EJ
      November 10, 2011 at 2:03 pm

      P word is too kind a word to use on them brother. 🙂

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