
Archive for May, 2011

Exercise Machines and Nonsensical Ads

May 16, 2011 1 comment

The Star Online is running a series of ads with Bodytone. Apparently, by standing on a machine and getting a total body vibration, you can lose pounds easily.

This autogyration machine follows the likes of the uPapa by Osim and that other funny-named-machine-I-cannot-recall by Ogawa. Frankly, the only way I lost weight was through exercise.Stop exercising or eat more, weight goes up. It isn’t rocket science.And by all means if you want to wiggle your way to weightlessness or if you believe it will help you, by all means go ahead.

What I cannot stand, is the way they advertise these machines. Of course, paying 10,000 onwards for a machine that does little more than vibrate incessantly seems expensive(I could get a same workout riding the Mara bus to Klang), so they have now advertized other things you can do with this machine, running in one place, pumping, planks, push ups…

Wait, can’t I already do all these exercises on the floor? So basically you’re advertizing your miracle machine as a platform as well?

What next? As a paperweight?

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